Estate News
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The Estate Office
Tel: 01295 811065
Email: info@newbottleestate.com

We are now taking bookings for events at the Old Farmyard well into 2024. Why not hold your business, social or community event at The Old Farmyard enquire:

Estate Property
Estate People
The Estate is beautiful place, but it is really the people who build its history and make it special.
F.E. Smith, the first Lord Birkenhead and his wife Margaret first came to Charlton in 1907 creating “the Cottage”. The heyday of the Cottage was the 1910-30, when it hosted many country house parties for a fascinating range of people. Winston Churchill was great friends with F.E. and was a frequent visitor. In 1930 F.E. died, aged 58 yrs and his son Freddie became the 2nd Lord Birkenhead.

After the Second World War Freddie and his wife, Sheila, started acquiring land and properties. In 1960s Newbottle Manor and Forceleap Farm were purchased alongside land. In 1975 the 2nd Lord Birkenhead died but his wife and increasingly their son Robin, the 3rd Lord Birkenhead, continued to grow the Estate. In 1984, aged just 49, Robin, the 3rd Lord Birkenhead, died from a heart attack playing tennis. At this stage the title disappeared and with Sheila becoming ill, Lady Juliet, Robins younger sister, and her husband, John Townsend had to step in to run the Estate.
By the 2000 their 3 daughters had begun to come back to live on the Estate with their families. Alice took on the management of the farm in 2006 and Margaret the Butchers in 2018. In 2014 Lady Juliet died and in the years that followed Eleanor took on the restoration of The Cottage and Margaret renovated Newbottle Manor, both moving in with their families. Today John and his three daughters continue to build on the legacy of the Estate.​
The Estate Office, Forceleap Farm
Hinton-in-the-Hedges, Brackley,
Northants. NN13 5PJ